Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Shadows Light and Reflection

In the turmoil of a two-day span of job application filling-out, I almost forgot today was Window Wednesday! I was going to take a photo from the conservatory out to the back garden where an autumny tree was bathed in a strip of golden sun. It just didn't seem to translate, but happily when I turned around to go back in, I saw this interesting light and shadow. I really like how it turned out.

a different perspective

i posted a picture of the sky light in our bathroom before
but this image is the reflection of the skylight in the bathroom mirror
which gives a subtle, but interesting layer to the image
something kind of murky

new shadow

when we redecorated we discovered a new shadow in our house

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Office window. Dan's Mom gave this to me last Christmas. I know she said it was "just a little something", but I think it's really special, and it always makes me feel good when I see it. She has a similar one, of a different color, that she hangs in her window. It reminds me, too, of two angels that I bought Mom and Dad years ago when I was in Chicago. They have their place on the mantle in Syracuse every Christmas, with candles lighting them up from behind.


i brought the geraniums in for the winter
i thought i was going to winter them in the basement
but they are still flowering so i just can't bring myself to uproot them
instead i trimmed, cleaned, watered them up
and put them in the window

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

cheating (sort of)

it was too crazy of a day to do any photography
here are some windows from granada

Chimney and Starlings

Okay, well, not much window here, but there is some! Thing is, I awoke to a gorgeous autumn morning. The air was crisp, the sun buttery, the brisk wind with a touch of warmth. I felt enthusiastic to take photos. I was struck by how the sun was hitting the yellowed leaves of a tree in the back garden. I went out in my jammies (and Dan's big flip-flops on my socked feet) to take a few photos while the sun remained the same. This one was taken then. It's the back of the Marine Hotel two doors down (where they have delicious fish and chips). My plan was to venture out on my walk and get beautiful sunny autumn photos. I thought I might find some interesting windows along the way, perhaps in the harbour or on another beach hut. My battery was almost dead so I put it on to charge while I got a few other things done. The day progressed, I hung some laundry, did some housework, some Internet searching, journal writing... Next thing I know several hours had passed and the lovely sun had been hidden by a thick grey layer of rain-threatening cloud. Darker and darker the sky has grown, and I'm afraid to say a reappearance doesn't look altogether likely. So, I would like to remember this day as I encountered it first thing.

Monday, November 13, 2006


August 29, 2005. Canterbury. See here if you wish. I was browsing through some photos of the past and came by this. Thought it might be a good entry for light and shadow. I remember taking it, thinking that I liked how the shadows fell across the wall, liking how a story could be read into the image, and wondering if I could make a decent composition out of it.

Friday, November 10, 2006


this is one of my favorite shadows
in the late afternoon when the sun is going down
the light makes this beautiful shadow through the trees
onto the house behind ours
the view is from our kitchen window

winter, spring, summer or fall it is always a warm glowy light
sometimes it's pinkish
and sometimes it's a warm buttery yellow
it always makes me happy

A few of my favorite things

A birthday package arrived for me today from Mom and Dad. Along with a beautiful card: my favorite face lotion, dark chocolate with raspberry, the essential chappy, and ZINGERS!... all wrapped in pretty paper. My Mom and Dad are the best. I miss them so much.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


After jak's question about my 'windows' submission this week, I thought I would post the huts in context. This is a few hundred yards from our front door. It isn't the strip featured in 'windows', (which is about the same distance in the other direction), but I didn't have any of those that showed the proximity to the sea. This area is 'famous' for these Victorian huts. Funny how you stop seeing things when they are right in front of you all the time. This is a good example of that. You get a bit sick of it because in town there are endless photos, postcards, paintings, prints, posters etc etc etc of this sort of scene... and not all of the best taste. The huts are pretty though, no doubt. And, no doubt, I will appreciate them more when I am no longer here.

soggy out there

it sucks that since i am the later poster
(being many hours behind whitstable time)
that mary's windows always get bumped down
don't forget to scroll down and LOOKSEE
this is the front window to the side of the porch
looking across the street to the pretty deciduous trees
that are losing their leaves, and the ever green conifers


Sudden the shuttered
Window sings,
And two winds arise
On wings

~Sergei Essenen~

Monday, November 06, 2006


a very happy #34 to miss mary today!
i hope you are having a lovely birthday
filled with wine, food and song

i wish we could go do something fun together
go see a movie, have lunch, go shopping
or take a walk in the park
and we could take pictures together (instead of apart)
i miss you chica
xo, monkey

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


inspired by mary's altered view
i used a bit of domed glass to capture my office window

Altered View

This is a “view” out of the front door window. There is an orange tree shredder just out front, with a red car behind it on the other side of the road. I thought the colors looked nice: the green of the lawn, the white of the wall, the red and orange, a bit of grey from the sea, and a bright blue sky for a change on this Wednesday. Thinking of how those patterns will never occur just the same again… capturing a moment.