Okay, well, not much window here, but there is some! Thing is, I awoke to a gorgeous autumn morning. The air was crisp, the sun buttery, the brisk wind with a touch of warmth. I felt enthusiastic to take photos. I was struck by how the sun was hitting the yellowed leaves of a tree in the back garden. I went out in my
jammies (and Dan's big flip-flops on my socked feet) to take a few photos while the sun remained the same. This one was taken then. It's the back of the Marine Hotel two doors down (where they have delicious fish and chips). My plan was to venture out on my walk and get beautiful sunny autumn photos. I thought I might find some interesting windows along the way, perhaps in the harbour or on another beach hut. My battery was almost dead so I put it on to charge while I got a few other things done. The day progressed, I hung some laundry, did some housework, some Internet searching, journal writing... Next thing I know several hours had passed and the lovely sun had been hidden by a thick grey layer of rain-threatening cloud. Darker and darker the sky has grown, and I'm afraid to say a reappearance doesn't look altogether likely. So, I would like to remember this day as I encountered it first thing.