i was not prepared for how much i was going to LOVE this bag, my mom bought it for me last fall at the fremont market, while i was visiting seattle. it was love at first sight, because it is made with old ad banners, and the handles are made from old seat belts. this one happened to be on sale ($5 cheaper than the rest of the bags, but i don't know why, maybe because it it's a solid color, instead of being more multi colored?)
anyway it doesn't have any interior, pockets, and i was sure that it would become one big vacuous black hole, but it turns out that it is the PERFECT bag, it's the perfect size, it's really comfortable, it's super cute & it's not a black hole because it's MESH!! anyway, enough gushing about my bag, let's get to the contents:

- cel phone cozy that snaps on to whatever you want
- cel phone
- cel phone is of course adorned with small plastic glow in the dark monkey

- fancy metal swiss water bottle (it's important to stay hydrated!)
- plastic bag (given to me from from coworker, soon to be turned into "plastic yarn"

- 2 pairs of sunglasses (one pair for looking cool, the other pair is more comfortable & polarized, for better driving)
- GPS (previously posted about on monkey mind)

- work documents (i take with me back and forth to work, in case i need them at home)

- helvetica pencil case
- 3 mechanical pencils ( i LOVE the pentel mechanical pencil with the cushi finger grip)
- 1 pilot precise V5 extra fine rolling ball
- 1 staedtler liquid point 7
- emergency lip balm

- 2 burt's bees lip gloop
- 1 zen tazo green tea bag
- 1 orange mesh zipped bag that holds 20 hair elastics, 11 assorted hair pins, and 3 safety pins
- 1 loose hair elastic
- another loose pen,
- a big flat paper clip that fell out of my calendar/date book
- moleskine

- my calendar/datebook (which is home to all manner of assorted clippy things & a picture of my niece and nephew, there also used to be a couple of my wedding pix in here, but they were removed after the great coffee spill of 2007, which you can see evidence of on the cover)

- a crumpled up note that i was going to leave on the car that i hit last week (long story)
- fuzzy fingerless mittens (because the air conditioner in the office blows right on me)
- millie jackson caught up/still caught up (music for the car)
- steel pulse true democracy (music for the car)
- new issue of GOOD magazine (july/august 2007)
- vintage ipod circa. 2003 (mostly used for transferring files to and from work)

- 1 lonely sunflower seed
- 1 pack of dentyne ice arctic chill chewing gum

- notebook (mostly used for taking notes at work)

- wallet/ change purse
- 1 credit card
- 1 high point cafe coffee card
- 2 frequent buyer cards for the tangled web
- 4 of my business cards
- 1 health insurance card
- 1 rei member card
- 1 auto insurance card
- 1 pennsylvania drivers license
- 1 ATM card
- 1 sparkly marble thing from the rock store
- 1 tiny ceramic frog from japanese garden in portland
- $70 in paper dollars
- $4.52 in coins
- 1 rusty washer

- clicker for the honda
- key for the honda
- key for the acura
- key to the office (that's the rainbow one)
- key to the house
- key to my bike lock
- super fresh club card
- fit life health club membership card
- brass savannah, ga. shipping tag
My first thought is: that must be one gargantuan bag! Mine has next to nothing in it compared to that!
After seeing your nice bag with recycled materials I am even more dubious about having bought the cow variety (which I was weighing up, and down, and up when I was shopping)... at least I bought it second hand? My bag is edging towards the 'tolerated' as I write this.
Next: I'm envious of all your cute things (as usual!).
well done!(It DID take an eternity didn't it? But I think that's because neither of us was capable of 'simple' listing as I think was the original idea -- so good on us!)
yes i think we both went a little overboard, but thats GOOD :)
it is kind of a big bag, it's a bigger than i would normally carry & that was why i thought i wasn't going to love it, but the bag itself is so lightweight, and it's comfortable to carry, and seems reasonable even if there isn't much stuff in it. i also love it because it's big enough that when it's cold there's room to throw a hat and scarf in it, and when it's warm there's room for a sweater or something for when you're in the AC. it's a GREAT bag. love it love it LOVE it and ONLY $30 US!
also, that's more stuff than i usually carry around with me, all that crap is a result of being too busy to take stuff out that i don't need!
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