to make a short story long i competed and won the primary level spelling bee at my grade school. the primary level was grades 1-3 or something like that and the intermediate level was for the older kids. winning the primary granted me the honor of competing in the intermediate level bee with the big kids. i won't go into how i got to the final 3 and was ROBBED because i either did not enunciate, or the "judge" was going deaf. i swear to this day that i spelled grandfather: g-r-a-n-d-f-a-t-h-e-r and not g-r-a-n-f-a-t-h-e-r, as they claimed. i was insulted and horrified to be eliminated on such an easy word, and one that i KNEW i had spelled CORRECTLY.
anyway this is not the focus of the gap i intended to fill. the object of my focus is a dictionary. as the winner of the primary spelling bee i won this dictionary.

during this period in time i had a comprehensive sticker collection. the main focus of my collection were stickers that featured any or all of these elements: rainbows, hearts, unicorns, cats, bears, stars, get the idea.
so, i had this sticker collection and i didn't know what to do with them. i didn't want to stick them on anything that i might lose or get rid of or decide i didn't like anymore. my prized and carefully curated sticker collection needed a proper and worthy place in the world. but they really did need to be stuck on something, didn't they? they were stickers after all? wasn't that their purpose?
so i decided that this dictionary that i won at the spelling bee would certainly be a cherished possession for decades to come, and was definitely a worthy of being the permanent home of my sticker collection.

i also taped in my spelling bee name tag, and it looks like i traced over my name with one of those metallic paint pens, that were all the rage

i think that it is hilarious that i (not so) very carefully traced over the teacher's handwriting with a pen. what's that about? i also traced around many of the stickers with a pen.

i remember thinking this one was very special

so this dictionary was clearly the perfect choice for immortalizing my collection . it has lasted through the years, through many moves and many, many, many, purges of crap. i have never been able to get rid of this thing. if i hadn't plastered the inside of it with stickers i'm pretty sure it would have been edited out a long time ago. now it like a little peek into the mind of a nine year old me.
Oooooooohhhh! I LOVE your entry! Love love love!
It was REALLY hilarious! ... and I remember MY sticker collection, but I don't think it ended up in such a prestigious (is that how you spell that?) place as yours.
I don't remember having the chance to enter a spelling bee ever ... which is odd because I was also a very good speller, which I'm sure my teachers knew --- A friend a year or so older than me was in a spelling bee (don't feel so bad, she actually DID spell juicy wrong with an 'ey' and probably still thinks about it today) so I know they had them at my school!
Hmph. I know you can spell Grand-paw!
Dan says "nice story, but unicorns are for girls xx" ---
As if we didn't know that...
yes i was reminded off all of this when one of my coworkers wore a tshirt with 2 fornicating unicorns on it and informed me that "chicks dig unicorns" ummmm....DUH! it reminded me of my sticker collection and my dictionary & i thought it might make a good post.
Well it did! I really enjoyed it :)
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